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We often practice with moms-to-be without any known reasons of their subfertility.  Regardless,  when they continue regular practice and they go for check ups we can see improvement on the ovarian reserve; if FSH started to raise we see it going down. The general guideline is to practice Endo-Gym® twice a week. Yet, in some cases, such as early menopause for instance, more variety and frequency of the exercises is recommended. Beyond the exercises eating habits are always examined and personal guidance is given.



Early Menopause 

Menopause is coming on day as part of the natural cycle of life. It doesn't have to come before 50 though, and it should not be uncomfortable. Many women under 50-40 experience menopausal symptoms, menopause these days, especially working in the offices. They often land on our sessions with medically diagnosed early menopause. In our experience if they regularly practice these exercises topped up with changed eating habits, their cycle is always back, and their FSH is always back in the normal range.

Apart from exercising Endo-Gym doing the followings help as well:

  • Limit exposure to toxins like food additives, alcohol, and caffeine to boost the efficiency of the lymphatic system. 

  • Because it interferes with the metabolism of vitamin C, which plays a key role in the production of collagen and elastin, remove sugar from the diet. 

  • Detoxify the body with teas, drink mixes, and other natural products.

  • Take a high-quality multivitamin to close the gap between nutritional needs and actual nutrient consumption. 

  • To increase muscle tone, improve circulation, burn fat, and reduce stress, make physical exercise part of your regular routine.

  • Manage stress with techniques like deep breathing, meditation, tai chi, or yoga.  Stress directs blood away from the skin and triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that promotes fat storage in the body. 

  • Use natural products like black cohosh, evening primrose, wild yam or maca to balance hormones.



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PCOS reacts very fast on the exercises and we always have positive response when practicing regularly. With or without diet. However it's always more successful to combine the exercises with the right eating habits.


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Menopausal Symptomes

Menopausal symptomes may deliver many uncomfortable moments, days and sleepless nights. If you treat your body right it won't happen. These exercises should be regularly practiced, minimum twice but sometimes even three times a week. Additionally you decrease carbohydrate intake as well while increase green leafy vegetables in your meals. Vaginal dryness won't be an issue, nor sudden sweatings or hot flashes. You will notice then only that you don't have your period anymore.


Many of the girls reported improvements after already a short period of practice. Danielle (40) for intstance had a hard pregnancy and delivery with twins, and got used to live with pads unill she did these exercises regularly. We often receive positive, motivating feedback from spouses as well.  Girls above 60 reported change in the appearance of the private parts. It's worth practicing!!!

I had a miscarrige in Feb 2014 at the age of 41 and afterwords I started loosing my hormone balance and my cycle became irregular, until it  jumped over one month  in Nov 2014 and than I started having it again but very scarce. I was in an early menopause. And after AVIVA (almost two months twice a week), I got pregnant again, at 43.  Doctors warned me of my risky pregnancy, because of my irregular cycle and of my age...and wanted me to do the NIPT test (for Down), but I didn't do it - as the blood test showed such a low risk as if I was 21 years old!

My baby is born so perfectly healthy, I thank God for this miracle and I believe AVIVA surely contributed to this to happen. 

Hug and kiss you, 



It seems to be a frequently occurring problem. Visit the doctor if symptoms remain.

In many cases symptoms were alleviated by practicing the Aviva Dance thanks to increased blood flow in the lower abdomen;

Based on experience of girls in my groups to the exercises you may add as treatment:

-Lapacho tee;



-Purification or thyme oil (Young Living production); : 2-3 drops applied on skin of the lower abdomen.  

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My darling Kata,


For 3 month now I've practised 2 day per week the endo-gym, and I got my period after 28 days every month!! 

Not like before 27 days then 22 days or 26....thanks!!




Libido, depression

Progesterone is a natural antidepressant. So as oxitocyn, as many of the sex related hormones. Nurturing and nourishing the lower abdomen by pumping  blood there with sepcific movements, by contracting-relaxing the muscles, all tissues there, muscles and organs will have more fuel to work in an optimal way. As a result they will produce more of what we need, let it be endorfins, progesterone, oxytocin to keep us smile throughout a difficult day.



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"Hi Kata, good news, I actually got my period this week. Very light, but for the time being no hot flushes. I am doing a few minutes of exercises every day!

See you next week,


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